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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Where I can find the latest release guidelines?

Eclipse-Tractusx Release Guidelines

Where I can find the latest FOSS guidelines?

You can find the guidelines in the Developer Hub.

Can I have 'admin' privileges on my catenax-ng repository?

Short answer: No! Administrative tasks will be performed by the team managing the GitHub organization.

Long answer: The GitHub organization is managed by a dedicated team. This team also works closely together with the security expert group and the release manager. Together we need to ensure, that product teams and repositories are best prepared for going open-source in the eclipse foundation. We also need to ensure, that mandatory quality gates are checked

In case you want to change configuration that needs administrative privileges: Get in touch with us and explain what you need to change and why. You can create a support request, or use the CoP channel. We will then do the changes for you or provide solutions, that can also be used by all of he teams.