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This page gives you a short overview over all critical things you need to know to get started. Pls be aware that all other documentation is here for you to browse & share.


Welcome to our Landing / Support page. We are the DevSecOps Tooling team from the Data Space Technology ART.

We are here to provide the Catena-X Stack as a base for your components to run on. It is based on Kubernetes.

You can find all necessary documentation on how to get your component running in our documentation.

Feel free to contribute to our documentation through a Pull Request, all contributions are welcome!

Who we are

We are the DevSecOps Tooling team inside Catena-X. You find our Team page in Confluence.

Here is a short overview about our goals:


What do we provide

We provide the platform stack of Catena-X as sane default in context of open source. We also provide environments to all Catena-X members for them to run their product/component on this platform stack. Included in the platform stack are also any number of Git repositories hosted in the catenax-ng GitHub organization, that you need to build your product.

What we do NOT provide

We are not responsible for all topics regarding infrastructure. We do not manage JIRA, MS Teams and other centrally used services. If it is connected to environments and running your product/component, we are, otherwise we are not.

How to get support

This documentation should be your entry point to everything you need to know to run a product/component in Catena-X.

Please get onboarded through your team members first, before creating requests or questions on our support channel. We are happy to help you, but to keep the capacity available to us to develop more and better features for you, we would ask you to try to use existing materials first.

We have a MS Teams Support channel (Communities of Practices -> CX - CoP DevSecOps) you can join and ask questions with very little overhead (no ticket required for simple questions).

In case you prefer a hands-on/direct approach, we have an office hour every friday between 13:00-15:00 (german timezone) . You can find the calendar invite here.

The format of our Office Hour has a short update section at the beginning and after that its open for everyone to ask questions or discuss specific questions you have.

If you still feel lost or you don't feel confident to use our open office hour in a big group, feel free to request a direct consulting with us.

How to onboard your product / component

For everything you need to request, pls go to our Things to request page.

  • Request access to Catena-X (ng) GithHub Org
    • If you join a Team, your Team can invite you to your team
  • Request a Team
  • Request a Repository
  • Create your code in your new repository
  • Create a helm chart
  • Build your container images and push them to github packages
  • Request access to environments
  • Use ArgoCD to deploy your product / component